Osteoporosis in Children with Cerebral Palsy (2013)

Treatments for low bone density in children with cerebral palsy (CP) are based on adult treatments. Better treatments will emerge when scientists study on their intended subjects. This grant examines the role of hormones in bone remodeling in children and tests bone samples to determine the mechanism behind low bone density in children. Initial Observations […]

Large Amplitude Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Planning and Feasibility Study (2012)

This was a  “Planning and Feasibility Study” investigating an approach that was previously successful in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) often have challenges walking. This grant tests a new intensive rehabilitation therapy to see how it improves the gait. Initial Observations Core Questions Research Team

Effects of Transcranial Direct Cortical Stimulations in Cortical Plasticity and Motor Learning in Children with Cerebral Palsy (2012)

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Overview Individuals with CP can struggle to walk and learn on time with their peers. This grant seeks to test a new form of treatment that uses electrical stimulations to help grow brain connections that will improve mobility and learning. This research, conducted at the Harvard Medical School, focused on the “Effects […]

Learn from Every Patient at Every Visit: a Pilot Program for Children with Cerebral Palsy (2011)

The project “Learn from Every Patient” involved 1000 children with cerebral palsy to find the best treatments and apply new standards.  The results of this project have been implemented at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a National Institute of Health grant was approved to implement this methodology at other large medical centers in the USA. Initial […]

Early Grant Recipients

Baclofen Pump Research Several research projects headed by Dr. Leland Albright, a pioneer in the use of the Baclofen Pump (ITB Therapy, or intrathecal baclofen therapy) which is a precise, targeted therapy used to reduce severe spasticity caused by cerebral palsy. In Vivo Assessment of Quadriceps Muscle Plasticity in Children with Cerebral Palsy Research conducted […]